Getting the COVID Vaccine

April 11 2021

Woke up today knowing that today was the day I would receive the vaccine! Not going to lie, I felt anxious about it.
As I left my apartment, I felt all the feels. Just a bit of excitement and nervousness. Wasn’t so much about the needle, but more anxious about the possibility of being sick the next few days because I ran into someone yesterday who told me he felt terribly after the vaccine. I’ve also been extremely fortunate to not have contracted corona virus, so was extra curious how the vaccine might affect me.

As I took the subway downtown, I felt more excitement than the anxiety. Maybe it was listening to Hank Mobley playing and Philly Joe laying it down, I found myself smiling!

As I approached the Javits center, the anxiety came back. It actually was my first time really walking towards Hudson Yards. Seeing the new skyscrapers reminded me that I was able to live in this amazing city.

Full disclosure, by the time I entered the Javits, my mind was all over place. However, the people who helped me at various checkpoints, made me feel welcome and in good hands! The first soldier that greeted me, saw my plastic umbrella bag broke and went out of his way to give me a new one. It was a good omen, because even though I felt so uncertain, I could tell they had my back! And every station was like that! I even had a goof on my part where I accidentally sat at the wrong table because I was confused what table number was what. Crisis averted though!

Now it was showtime! I didn’t even realize it the station where I was supposed to get my shot! I was extremely fortunate that the person who was filling out my card was a stage manager and a fellow theater worker! He could sense my nervousness and started asking me questions about the various tours I worked on. Before I knew it, it was done and I was like “that’s it?”

I sat at the waiting area for 15 minutes feeling a little sore but reflecting on this morning and this last year. Trying to hydrate and sent out a few texts to friends and family telling them I got the shot. I got lots of texts of support! As I left the Javits, I couldn’t help but feel tremendous excitement. Even though it was a rainy and dreary day in NYC, it felt like the future is very bright indeed….


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